Day 1 was spent meeting with the CSE and IT departments at Siddhartha
Engineering College to discuss collaboration on educational
projects regarding a computer literacy curriculum at the Murikipudi school. A partnership with the civil engineering department was discussed, as they are working on developing drainage and irrigation systems in Vemavaram.
Day 2 was the first day of the women empowerment project. It was delivered to the 9th and 10th graders, where they brainstormed everyday problems and developed solutions to present at the women empowerment project fair.
On Day 3, the members delivered the orthopedic health presentation, which educated 4th through 6th graders about basic dental hygiene and oral diseases. They ran a hands-on relay game where
students had the chance to demonstrate proper brushing techniques from the presentation.
On Day 4, the team delivered an informative presentation about the menstrual cycle to the 9th grade girls, with a quiz portion to test their understanding and a discussion section where girls could share their experiences with their periods. The second half of the day was devoted
to the clinical health presentation about diabetes and thyroid disorders for 10th graders. The members also delivered an interactive workshop with the glucometers and blood pressure monitors for students to learn how to take and assess measurements.
Day 5 was career development day, where the members taught 10th graders about potential career options after secondary school. The second half of the day, the members implemented the computer literacy project, where they presented to 7th and 8th graders about cybersecurity and internet safety, finishing off with an interactive game between the girls and boys to pick safe passwords.
Day 6 was the second day of women empowerment, where the team
gave the 9th and 10th grade girls time to develop their presentation and prototypes, with feedback from trip members.
On Day 7, the members met with another of our partner colleges—Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences— to discuss partnership on healthcare camps in Vemavaram.
Day 8 was spent meeting with a potential partner college– KL University–and agricultural engineering college to discuss potential avenues for setting up internet connection in Vemavaram and other sustainable technological developments.
Day 9, the last day at the Murikipudi school, focused on the women
empowerment project fair, where 9th and 10th grade girls had the
opportunity to showcase their work from the past week. At the closing
ceremony, three groups in each grade received awards based on
usefulness, popularity, and presentation. At the ceremony, members reflected on their experiences with the students and encouraged them to continue to pursue their passions.
On the last day, the team visited Vemavaram where they observed
the medical camp set up by Katuri Medical College and Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences. Interns and doctors screened residents, prescribed medications, provided referrals, and administered dental checkups and removals.